Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feel Like Rocking!

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So, I went into Stevenson Union today and there was a live band! Made me feel like rocking out :D

Right now I'm listening to Queen YEAH!

anywhose... so, I thought that we might have to read something in class today...But we didn't. So I decided that I would share it here; and ask for comments, I really want to flesh this out a little more.

I don't have a title for it yet.

I’ve lost them

these strangers.

One was odd to me;

the other,

I thought a hero.

They both vanished.

With one there was hope;

And with the other

nothing remains.

Oh how odd that he

was a hero.

Any thoughts?


  1. i agree i think you should make it longer, i like the short lines though, I don't know if I would "flesH" them out, it seems like what you have here could be the beginning of a much longer somewhat-reflective piece.

  2. Hey thanks! :D

    I like the short lines making it longer is a great option.

    Thank you for your input.
